ben et bene – robobarge june 2004
ben et bene – pack ski piste verte 122004
ben et bene – bicky boy
teengirl fantasy – hoop dream
these are powers – easy answers
these are powers – adams turtle
these are powers – life of birds
silk flowers – cannibals and headhunters
silk flowers – frost
silk flowers – costume
luft – dallas city ghost
felix kubin – wir alle sind qualle
les trucs – probier doch mal zink
les trucs – die zeitmaschine
death sentence: PANDA! – dessert parade
death sentence: PANDA! – village host
trouble vs glue – bad jokes (rough mix)
diamond black hearted boy – burn the cross
diamond black hearted boy – night II
trouble vs glue – cheesy clubbing
trouble vs glue – dance sentence PANDA
trouble vs. glue – jappy trouble
numbers – we like having these things
numbers – palo alto / spilt 3“ cd with erase errata on tigerbeat6
tomtomtomboy – nervermiiind
tomtomtomboy – nice grrl
tomtomtomboy – hot paleontologist
the take away tape very proudly presents:
special tracks by HEIDI MORTENSON
– some from a 100 copies tape relesase with music made with 7 pedals and a mic.
see: www.nosnetrom.net/tape.html
or: www.myspace.com/heidimortenson
heidi mortenson – disco club / from the handpainted vinyl ep diamonds & underwear
heidi mortenson - it's true / circular tape (on cassette tape)
heidi mortenson - black hand (hanging) / circular tape (on cassette tape)
heidi mortenson - pip / circular tape (on cassette tape)
heidi mortenson - kazoo / circular tape (on cassette tape)
download: sjgdfkfsg